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A mysterious country nestled in the Himalayas, landlocked between China and India, a peaceful and isolated region that is a dream for many travellers. Think snow capped mountains and blue pine forests, picturesque farmlands dotted with ancient farmhouses, black-neck cranes and blue poppy flowers, and of course monasteries hanging on the cliffsides with all their colourful festivals. This is certainly one of the most beautiful places and certainly another photographers' paradise.

My view of photography is all about creating Travel Portraits - dramatic series of images that make the locals look as if they have just stepped out of a movie scene.  And of course, Bhutan makes my job so easy with its rich cultures, colourful festivals and extremely welcoming locals.

Robin Yong Photography

13 / 45 West Row, Canberra

Australian Capital Territory, ACT 2601


Tel: +61 0447746807



All images Ⓒ 2014-2025 Robin Yong

Terms and Conditions

Travel/ Photography Services:


Photo Tours and Workshops

Travel Advice/ Planning

Private shoots for Models and Celebrities

Fine Art Prints

Image Licensing


Travel Photo Assignments

Brand/ product endorsements

Webpage design and production

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